Here is a picture of this one time a long time ago when I ran a half marathon. My first race ever, kind of a dumb idea, but proud about it anyway (I would suggest perhaps just a smaller one to start off). I worked so hard, and really had to push myself in order to be able to do this. I don’t know how I ended up finishing because my last practice before the actual race I only got to 8 miles. It was a miracle.
Fast forward to now.
I have been really wanting to wake up in the morning and find time to exercise. For one it makes me feel so great, and I just want to get some muscle back on my body. Know what I am saying?
Before I ever do anything, I have to make a plan and chart out when I will do everything. So I made a chart. I figured out in the 12 weeks what workouts I should be doing every day for P90X. I was really excited.
We are now at mid-semester. Is it really almost March?
I have had this plan since January, and still I haven’t worked out. No not even once. I know how pathetic that sounds.
For some reason this semester I am in love with the idea of getting 9 hours of sleep. 9 hours is heaven. And on the days where 9 hours is possible, even when I plan to wake up to exercise, sleep wins. Sleep has been winning the past few weeks. I know how ridiculous this sounds. I know that if you really want something, you should do it right? Well…I must not really want it. But I want to really want it.
I set my alarm, wake up and then my sleeping self decides that I can sleep longer, and that I will fit in working out another time. EVERY dang time….and Mr. Lund will be really surprised when I actually get up and work out.
Why oh why am I not a morning person? How do you become a morning person anyway? I wake up early a lot of days, and I still would always rather sleep for 9 hours. Maybe nobody is a morning person, but you just get up and get what needs to be done? Alright, alright. I will work on it. I just keep thinking when we have a baby how I will probably never get 9 hours of sleep again. NEVER. So maybe that is why I am hugging so tightly to the idea of sleep. It is a wonderful thing.
So I thought that if I posted this fail on my blog, maybe it would motivate me to just do the first workout. Then once I have re-connected with exercise, I will remember how great it is, and keep doing it.
Cross your fingers!