While I have used this blog for my personal documentation, I have decided to write more of my personal thoughts down. I have a lot of thoughts running around in my head all the time, & I always forget to write them in my journal. & for some reason I keep thinking about my future kids, & their kids, & how I want them to know the real me (those 50 lessons at church on family history & connecting must be getting to me). Not the picture perfect, happy, strong me. I want them to see all of it. The happy, sad, thoughtful, weak, & wandering me. All of the parts of me that make a whole. & hopefully I can also learn more about myself in the process.
I also love the idea of having a positive online dialogue with friends. I just love the idea of community & togetherness.
& while the community part may not happen, I am kinda the only person who talks on my blog. People look sometimes, but they don’t ever really let me know they are there. but that’s okay. It is for me, & it makes me happy. That’s all that matters. & perhaps a huge following on my blog would ruin this blog for me. It would turn into work, pleasing others, & then I probably wouldn’t really be me. & I would hate that. I would hate to have to leave a place that no longer seemed genuine or authentic to who I am as a person. But to my real friends, feel free to join in the dialogue!
It is scary though, to post my own thoughts & feelings on such a public place, really scary. But….I am going to give it a go, because I am feeling a continued urge to do it. It is a part of me, & something I want to do. I have never considered myself a very good writer, but I am not going to let that stop me anymore. Good writer or not, I am of value & have something important to say here. I am going to validate myself by writing in my own very spot on the internet. I have ideas, dreams, & opinions just like anyone else in this world! & by world, I mean those on and off the internet, because even people who don’t shout out a presence online still have important ideas & opinions. Sometimes I think we forget that, or that the quiet people who are not shouting for attention don’t have anything to say.
& here is to my first thought.
Last night I was thinking about how I am not who I want to be. I have been reflecting, & I realized I am so far from it. Very far from it. & maybe it is good that I can see how far I need to go. I am so grateful for that. But, I made a list in my head of ways I need to change that I have found myself being. So glad it popped into my head though! It helps me realize the small & sometimes seemingly insignificant moments of my life.
I don’t want to be the complainer on a vacation.
I don’t want to be the person that always looks on the negative side of things.
I also don’t want to be the person that always looks on the positive side of things.
I don’t want to be the person that judges someone on their physical appearance (pretty or ugly, or rich, happy family)
I don’t want to be the person that talks bad about someone when they are not in the room.
I don’t want to know & converse in the neighborhood gossip.
I don’t want to seem like I am supporting something by staying silent.
I don’t want to be the person who holds onto a grudge that I can let go.
I don’t want to find myself not caring about the people around me.
I don’t want to live a life becoming a narcissist.
I don’t want to forget what makes me happy.
I don’t want to lose sight of my dreams from laziness.
I don’t want to waste any of my days by doing nothing.
Enough of those,
I want to be remembered as a loving & accepting person.
I want to become a fast forgiver.
I want to be able to look outside of myself.
I want to love my body, always.
I want to be happy with my life.
I want to follow through on my own personal goals.
I want to believe in myself more.
I want to reward myself when I have gotten better at something.
I want to be someone that can see everyone the way Christ can see them.
I just want to be the best me.
I love this! I've had so many of these same thoughts and feelings! I think you are absolutely amazing! I'm not good at commenting on your blog, but I read every post! I admire you more then you realize! Love you friend!
hey I'm reading! i usually crash read blogs lately instead of on a regular basis, but I know how you feel sometimes when you wonder if anyone is reading so. . . i am. And i'm all about blog posts with more words, (even though your photos are fabulous!) i generally wish the blogging world had more to say and less to show.