Summer just is not summer to me until I have gone to a Baseball game, watched some fireworks, and ate some BBQ on my lap.
Oh the sweet life of summer. The food is better, we are outside, the whole baseball aroma just gets me.
This is why I start craving Summer in the middle of Winter.
Cool, summer air, taking naps on the grass. Watching the game while trying not to eat the whole 5 lbs of Kettle Corn they sell out to you.
Singing “Take Me Out To The Ball Game”
& then as if it wasn’t perfect enough, we enjoyed a large show of fireworks after the game.
& of course this day wouldn’t have been the same without my family by my side & lots of love.
Camilia Lund
Oh my goodness Conna, so good to hear from you! I need to get up to Logan and spend the day with you and your sweet boy. & thanks 😀